Soloist - Tenor

Chris­toph Späth

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... without my studies in America, I would never have been able to learn this profession. That’s where I learnt the tools to become a professional opera singer!
He’s one of the few Berliners in the Ensemble of the Komische Oper Berlin! Christoph Späth was born in Schmargendorf, as one of – believe it or not – seven children. Essentially, all of his siblings have followed in their father’s footsteps: four became doctors, like their father, one a nurse, and the sixth works for a pharmaceutical company. Only number seven, Christoph, took a different path, even though he too was very interested in medicine – and still is: »I scoff down operation documentaries like potato chips«, he admits freely. »But I had to watch time and again as my siblings had to cram to get through their final medical exams. That scared me off!« With a mischievous grin he adds: »of course, back then I had no idea how much work goes into being a singer!«

In the Ensemble of the Komische Oper
Berlin since 2002, since 1997 as a guest.
Named a Berlin Kammersänger in 2013.


Hochschule der Künste Berlin
Oberlin Conservatory Ohio (USA)
Yale University (USA)

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