Bru­no Poch­er­on

Bruno Pocheron (born 1968) studied fine arts in France and lives in Berlin. He works internationally as an independent lighting, stage and sound designer. For him, lighting design is a collaborative process in which he shares the conception and realisation with long-time colleagues and interacts in real time with other media such as music or video.
Pocheron creates performative installations based on his lighting practice, such as Mehr Licht [Mir so schlecht] (2021), a synaesthetic performance for 33 low-voltage light bulbs powered directly by sound, in which light can be heard and sound can be seen.
Currently he is working on stage projects with Mette Edvardsen (Oslo), Alix Eynaudi (Vienna), Lina Gomez (Berlin), Anne Juren (Vienna), Marta Navaridas (Graz), Daniel Fish and Ted Hearne (New York), among others.
He is also co-organiser of Tanzhalle Wiesenburg (Wiesen55 e.V.), a collective workspace in Berlin-Wedding, Gangplank, an open network of artists and designers dealing with intermedial communication, relationships between technology and art and intersections between the fields of contemporary performanceand Fencing Borders, a documentary project dealing with the local effects of the Schengen border closure.
Furthermore Bruno Pocheron is part of the lighting design collective »Reflecting Light«, recently awarded a four-year research position at the Kask University of the Arts in Ghent, Belgium.