
Paolo Fantin

Paolo Fantin studied set design at the Istituto Statale d'Arte in Venice and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia.

He has worked closely with director Damiano Michieletto since 2005. In this collaboration, he has designed stage sets for productions such as La bohème (2012) and Falstaff (2013) at the Salzburg Festival, Il trittico and Idomeneo at the Theater an der Wien and Un ballo in maschera, Médee and Salome at the Teatro alla Scala.

Fantin and Michieletto continued their international careers with debuts at De Nationale Opera in Amsterdam and the Royal Opera in London, including the set design for the world premiere of Alexander Raskatov's opera Animal Farm at De Nationale Opera in 2023.

Paolo Fantin has received several awards for best stage design, including the prestigious Premio Franco Abbiati (2011) and the International Opera Award (2017).