Chris­tina Run­ge

Christina Runge works as a dramaturge and producer and lives in Berlin. From 2002 to 2005 she worked as an assistant director and dramaturge at the Prater of the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin on theater productions and film projects by René Pollesch, Stefan Pucher, Schorsch Kamerun, Jan Ritsema, Tim Staffel, Lorenz/Kuster/Boudry and hangover ltd. Since 2006, she has worked as a freelancer in the fields of performance, theater and installation with the German-British artist collective Gob Squad, Interrobang, Schorsch Kamerun and Masha Qrella, among others. She developed programme concepts and accompanied their realisation for site-specific projects such as the mobile container theater Rollende Road Schau at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin (2003-2006) and Ihre Veränderungsschneiderei in cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin and the research association Social Capital im Umbruch europäischer Gesellschaften (2007-2010). In 2014, together with Gob Squad, she curated Be Part of Something Bigger, a long weekend on collectivity and collective work at HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin. In 2017 and 2018, she staged events for the Junge Akademie at the Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin. With Andreas Kebelmann she realised the radio feature Was uns bleibt, sind Möglichkeiten (NDR 2014) and with Diana Näcke and Masha Qrella the radio play Woanders (Deutschlandfunk Kultur 2020), which was awarded the Radio Play Prize of the German Academy of Performing Arts for the month of February 2021.