Chamber concert as part of Schall&Rausch

Yiddish Cabaret!

In »Yiddish«, Russian composer Leonid Desyatnikov brings together five songs from Yiddish cabaret from the interwar period to form a song cycle. Based on this, opera singer Alma Sadé and a string quartet from the Komische Oper Berlin orchestra explore the traces that Yiddish culture has left behind in 20th and 21st century pop and get the SchwuZ swinging with music from Carol King to Amy Winehouse!
Works by Leonid Desyatnikov and Barbra Streisand

With Alma Sadé (soprano) and musicians from the orchestra of the Komische Oper Berlin
Christina Brabetz/Melinda Watzel
Friedemann Slenczka
Felix Nickel
Arnulf Ballhorn