A monumental ghost story about the search for redemption

The Fly­ing Dutch­man

Richard Wagner
The Dutchman has been cursed and is doomed to roam the sea for eternity. He’s cast upon the shore every seven years, and if he can win the love of a woman who will be faithful unto death, he’ll escape his curse. But his hope is fading, and he wishes for his own death. That’s when he encounters Daland and his crew, and after Daland sees the Dutchman’s treasures, he offers him his daughter Senta to be his wife.
The Norwegian seaman Daland and his crew find themselves in a storm. Thrown off course shortly before they make it home, they seek refuge in a cove. The steersman, assigned to the night watch by Daland, is overcome by exhaustion and falls asleep along with the remainder of the crew.
Romantic opera in three acts [1843]
Libretto by the composer
In the repertoire since 27 November 2022
Recommended from grade 9
2hr 20min, no intermission
Musikalische Leitung
Inszenierung und Bühnenbild
Charlie Casanova
Julia Stoppelhaar
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Special Thanks to
Dr. Marshall E. Kavesh und Martin Laiblin