Symphony Concert for one Man and 100 Metronomes

Herbert Fritsch Does a Concert

Symphony Concert
What happens when you give Herbert Fritsch, a brilliant actor and director with a penchant for the eccentric, a symphony concert to play with? We can’t say for sure, but here’s what can be said: Fritsch is venturing into the concert world! His tumultuously absurd Don Giovanni, raging as a playboy on the verge of a breakdown, recently stormed through Behrenstrasse, and if Wagner is going to be staged at the Komische Oper, then it’s by Fritsch. This season, he’s also chasing an Italian straw hat in the company of Herbert Grönemeyer.
Ouvertüre aus Der Freischütz
IANNIS XENAKIS [1922–2001]
À l’île de Gorée für verstärktes Cembalo und 12 Musiker
GYÖRGY LIGETI [1923–2006]
Poème Symphonique für 100 Metronome
Prométhée ou Le Poème du feu op. 60
Introductory talk 45 min before performance, in the foyer